Saturday, May 25, 2013

Casanel- A little slice of family :)

     As I sit at home enjoying a nice 2011 Don Lorenzo from Casanel, I think of how the wine industry in Loudon County is so close and dependent on each other for business. I am asked all the time if I have any recommendations for vineyards and I make a point to only say great things about other vineyards and trying to use detailed notes to get the people excited about the vineyards. In return all the time I will hear "You all were highly recommended by [insert vineyard] so we had to come out". I get upset if I ever hear other vineyards talk bad about another one. I like to think here in NoVa its Team VA vs. Team CA. So I decided since I am hoping to now share my blog with va wine tasters to do just that. I am going to start to leave POSITIVE ONLY feedback and experiences I have had myself at vineyards when I visit on my day off. Like mom always said "If you don't have anything nice to say... don't say it on a social media page..." or something like that.
     I can honestly say first and foremost the first vineyard I am going to post about I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING bad to say. Remember when I said a taster can make or break your tasting experience. Well Katie, the daughter of Casey and Nelson (thus the name), has only improved their already excellent wines. I remember the first time I went to Casanel it was a horrible monday for me and I was coming home from my weekday job sulking because I was stuck in traffic and all I wanted was wine. When I thought well let's see if their is any wineries around here that's when I saw the tiny sign for Casanel and made a swift turn. I was nervous to go in at first because it was close to their closing and I know how frustrating that can be when you are ready to leave. I was welcomed though with a smile from Katie and Anna daughters of the owners and was given a knowledgable personal tasting, with enthusiasm that made even my perky tastings put to shame! I was blown away by their Chardonnay since I am not a huge Chardonnay fan to begin with. It was light and buttery with just enough fruit forwardness to make it an easy sipping wine with or without food and paired well with my shallot and chives cheese spread I bought. I bought a bottle and was welcomed to grab some snacks and have a glass until the trafic died down. I expected I was going to sit their in quiet with my glass being awkwardly the only one there on a monday evening, but the sisters kept me engaged in conversation and I quickly felt as if we were old friends. I left a little after close and swore I would be back.
    I told my other friend Aaron who works in the industry he just had to check out this gem, so we went to visit. TWICE MORE! We enjoy going on weekdays when they are slow and Katie has time to chat with us and shoot the breeze. We both enjoy the complexities of their Norton Rose (especially me I really like the uniqueness they brought to such a funky grape... it is a good porch wine) as well as we both have bought bottles of Don Lorenzo (unfortunately the blend is slipping my mind right now... Pinot and Chard I believe) but as I sip on the wine now I appreciate the apple honey notes in the wine making it full bodied, but finishing with a smooth taste. I am going to try to make up a recipe with the Don tonight and maybe share it with Katie and you all on here. I am thinking soaking apples in it before i put my honey and salt on for my apple glaze? I will try it and get back to you all.
    Anyway so today I got off work and with fond memories of Casanel drove up the dirt road to see even though it was a crazy saturday and the winery was packed I was greated with a warm smile by Katie and she even gave me a little moment to talk and then as I left she promised to come visit me and asked to hopefully see me soon. I may go tomorrow and do a tasting if its not to crazy.

So in short go to Casanel: Tell Katie you know Katie (easy to remember) and buy a glass or a bottle. I recommend it highly and if you are one for conversation go on a weekday and shoot the breeze with the family.

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