Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chardonnay apple crisps!

This blog is taking off! I am so happy I would especially like to make a shout out to all of those who I did a tasting with this weekend. I don't know what it was, but there was good vibes in the air and everyone I did tastings with were ABSOLUTE delights. I swear it was like one good group after another, nothing but polite fun people passionate about wine who shared their passion with me. So thank you to you all, you constantly remind me why I love this job and the culture of wine :). SO with that being said sorry I have been focusing on my other passion (teaching theatre) so I haven't been posting a lot, but I know a lot of people have been begging me for my apple recipe so here it is-

Chardonnay apple crisps
-Steel chardonnay (done in the style of a french Chablis preferably AKA the one at my vineyard)
-thin apple slices
-brie (or laughing cow cheese)
Soak apples over night in chardonnay. Next day put a light brushing of honey on apples with a dash of salt and bake them in the oven at 350 for 7-10 minutes (depending on thickness). NOTE: you may want to put something down like grease the pan or wax paper so the apples don't stick to the pan. After they cool put a dollop of brie on them.

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