Monday, December 30, 2013

Somm... Thank you my VIP's

Recently started going back to work at Chrysalis and I feel like I am reunited with a family member I haven't seen in forever going back to work. To not be surrounded by wine talk has hurt my soul! Don't worry though friends I am back with vengeance! It has been so good to return to work and see my regulars again. It warms my heart when people request me or ask if I am working. I have this wonderful couple (who have to forgive me I am horrible with names so I don't want to butcher yours) who recommended that I watch this movie Somm. Well I am 20 minutes in and pretty much getting choked up because these people get it! They get the passion! I am also choked up because they are incredible and I wonder if in pursuant to my sommelier status I will ever be as talented as them. I went wine tasting yesterday and today I am taking my cousin then we are gonna work on some new recipes! Stay tuned!

Monday, August 26, 2013

So Sorry I was gone so long!

Oh dear wine-o's how could I ever abandon you! It wasn't my fault! My crazy boyfriend had to put a ring on it now he is my crazy fiancé! But alas I have been not forgotten about you. Last night I invented a new sauce recipe for Chrysalis 2011 Private Reserve White which you can dribble on chicken and asparagus!

Creamy PRW Mustard Sauce
1/3 cup dijon mustard
1/3 cup seeded mustard sauce
honey to taster
mayo to consistency
1/4 cup of PRW 11
sprinkle of oregeno

SO GOOD! My fiancé wanted to dribble it on everything! Pictures and more recipes to come! I promise!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

CT wine trail

So I have so much to report from CT wines and was excited to get out of the VA trails for a bit. My grandmother was more then excited to show me around the CT wine trail, since she has been to a few. I think CT in general should have a little more pride in their wines. People (even at the tastings) would say well we aren't VA we can't do big reds because of the climate. Well so what?! That is fine with me, it is summer and as much as I do love me some high tannic grapes I was in the mood for sweet whites and light bodied reds which is exactly what I got with CT wines.

The first stop I found out was close by where I was staying and my Grandma never heard of it- Savino Vineyards and since it was so close we decided to make it our first stop. I asked if they did industry tastings (I have gotten industry out of state before) and they gave me very weird looks. I guess its not done much, but they (and every one we went to) gave me free tastings. Savino had 5 wines to try (all reds apparently sold out of their whites). The vineyard itself was very tiny and they only had 2 whites anyway so I kept my spirits high. Then they came out with a complimentary chacutirie plate with fresh tomato mozzarella salad and meats, which was awesome. Their reds were ok, like I told my grandma nothing I wouldn't have a glass of but not really any I would buy a bottle of. I was a little disappointed because the taster told me the title of the wine and that was all. The only exception was their 2010 Cabernet Franc- I LOVED IT! It was peppery and light tannic yet could hold on its own with out food. Grandma and I both agreed that this was the best one and I ended up buying a bottle for my boyfriend. For those of you that have tasted with me a couple times know I am not a Cab Franc fan at all, this being said I do think CT does better Cab Francs then us.

My grandma was very excited to take me to the next one claiming it's beauty made the 30 min trip worth it so I thought why not?! Gouveia Vineyards was breathtakingly beautiful and by far the most beautiful vineyard I have ever seen. It sat on top the beautiful hill and we were there right at sunset. Their wine could of been crappy for all I could care the view itself put me in a state of excitement. Luckily for Gouveia their wine didn't disappoint. My taster was a young girl who didn't know much and I felt like I was annoying trying to find out a lot about their wines, but she was friendly enough to get me the tasting notes that showed acidity and RS in wines. Their reds were nothing crazy rememberable but all worth the price. Oh speaking of price- CT wine by bottle were much more inexpensive then a bottle of VA, but tastings and by the glass are much more expensive then VA. Their whites though were awesome- much sweeter then VA whites but I enjoyed it. I bought a blend of Vidal Blanc, Treminette, Sevyal Blanc called Stone House White.

Though the view at Gouevia was breathtaking and I could of stayed their till close, I was so happy to go to Paradise Springs for the best tasting experience I have had in a while. This my cork dork goes to show you how a taster alone can change your opinion of a vineyard a lot. The wines at Paradise were interesting and different which if you know me is my thing. Something uncommon and different- I got a lot of apple notes in their whites. Grandma and I were lucky enough to have our tasting by the owner of the vineyard Al or as he called himself the president. I tell you I could of sat for hours and talked to Al about wine. He was so knowledgable and taught me so much of CT wines. I finally start to feel like I got to understand the wine industry their. He loved my grandma and I and told me he was going to come to VA and visit my winery. We were there around close and we were taking a long time I felt bad, but then he said wait let me have you try these wines we haven't even released yet! It was awesome! He let me try his wine (known as Presidents choice) which I told my grandma in a line up of reds this would be my favorite. It had dark berry and current flavors, light bodied with a little bit of evernessence. Al couldn't tell me what grapes were in it "Family Secret" but I told him as soon as its released and I am in town I would buy a bottle. I should of asked if they shipped... it was that good! I decided after all his hospitality (and giving me a free tasting) I couldn't leave with out buying a bottle of one of those appley whites. I told him I was going to buy a bottle of the Trablano Blanco and took out my credit card, and he said "put that away your money is no good here" My jaw could of hit the floor I have gotten free tastings and free glasses but never a free bottle. I felt so bad that I walked out without buying a thing, but I will be back and I will tell you readers. Paradise Springs is the place to visit if your ever in the area and Gouevia is right next door so it is worth the drive.

So I ended up getting 3 bottles one from each vineyard from CT. You go CT! You are ok in my book and I would love to visit even more Vineyards.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Hello wine-os! I am writing to you today from lovely CT where I have taken the time to do a little wine cooking and exploring wineries as well I have a few things to report.
First off- NEW AND EXCITING RECIPES AND UPDATES! I was telling my family about my blog and since I didn't have much to do here and a lot of wine I decided trying out some new stuff and perfecting some old. So my first recipe which was a HUGE success goes out to my Paleo crowd! Cauliflower Pizza. Now I know gross sounding but you just need to trust me when I say it is amazing!!

Cauliflower Pizza

Non-stick spray
2 ½ cups grated cauliflower (about ½ a large head)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup shredded part skim mozzarella
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (Also 1 cup shredded parmesan)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 tomato sauce reduced with Cab Franc
1/2 cup shredded part skim mozzarella cheese
1 cup grape tomatoes, sliced in half
2 cloves garlic, sliced
¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 cup olives 
1 cup avacado slices (optional)
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Grate the cauliflower using a box grater until you have 2 cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and microwave for 7-8 minutes, or until soften. Remove and let cool. Mix in the egg, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper. Once combined, pat into a 10-inch round on the prepared pizza pan. Spray lightly with non-stick spray and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
Top the pizza with the sauce, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, olives, garlic, and red pepper flakes. Bake in the oven until melted and bubbly, another 10 minutes. Top with avocado before serving. Note: I think I over did it with the red pepper flakes and I don't like red pepper so if you are not a fan of spicy as well don't put it on.
So that was AMAZING and a huge hit I recommend it. Every one at the party was like I don't even like cauliflower but this is awesome!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Marinade and My Weekly thoughts

     Just got an encouraging email from my boss at the winery telling me I am doing an awesome job getting people to sign up for our VIP club, which made my day. It made me think though why my sales have shot up lately. I really think it is because I have developed such a passion for wine and this industry. Wine is so fascinating and the vineyard I work at is just the best. I seriously love my job and every day I feel blessed to get to meet new people and talk wine and get paid. The reason I am posting this is to encourage my fellow cork dorks out there to go out and learn the culture and process of wine. I personally think tastings are the best way to do it, when you get to just sit and talk to people who love wine and know wine you learn so much. I wish I wasn't working so much so I could go do some tastings... but then again I love both of my jobs. Well here is another recipie:

Papillion Marinade
- A bottle of Chrysalis' Papillion (a blend of Nebbiolo, Petit Verdot, Viognier, and Tannat)
-minced onions

Simple. pour wine and spices to taste. Marinade your steak in this or Portabella mushrooms. Can also be use as a steak broth for fondue.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chardonnay apple crisps!

This blog is taking off! I am so happy I would especially like to make a shout out to all of those who I did a tasting with this weekend. I don't know what it was, but there was good vibes in the air and everyone I did tastings with were ABSOLUTE delights. I swear it was like one good group after another, nothing but polite fun people passionate about wine who shared their passion with me. So thank you to you all, you constantly remind me why I love this job and the culture of wine :). SO with that being said sorry I have been focusing on my other passion (teaching theatre) so I haven't been posting a lot, but I know a lot of people have been begging me for my apple recipe so here it is-

Chardonnay apple crisps
-Steel chardonnay (done in the style of a french Chablis preferably AKA the one at my vineyard)
-thin apple slices
-brie (or laughing cow cheese)
Soak apples over night in chardonnay. Next day put a light brushing of honey on apples with a dash of salt and bake them in the oven at 350 for 7-10 minutes (depending on thickness). NOTE: you may want to put something down like grease the pan or wax paper so the apples don't stick to the pan. After they cool put a dollop of brie on them.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sideways... just some fun

Watching sideways for the first time (I know shocked I haven't seen it right?!).
Best quote:
     "I like to think about what was going on the year the grapes were growing; how the sun was shining; if it rained. I like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes. And if it's an old wine, how many of them must be dead by now. I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if I'd opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive. And it's constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is, until it peaks, like your '61. And then it begins its steady, inevitable decline."

Yes... thank you. But ok I mean come one CAB FRANC IS NOT A BAD GRAPE NOR IS MERLOT! Ok sure I can't speak for CA grapes but here in VA we got a handle on it. Pinot Noir is not my favorite Red though. Anyway... I would love to hear everyones reasons on why they love wine and their comments on this classic movie!